Sending files ("Classic Messenger" interface mode)
To open a new File Transfer dialog box switch to the My Contacts tab in the main window, then select recipient from your contacts and click
Transfer files button on the toolbar or use Ctrl+T hotkey. You can select multiple recipients by pressing and holding Ctrl key.
For more information on how to organize your personal Contact List see the Organize Contact List topic.
You can also send files and documents to a sender of incoming message from the Today's Messages tab in the main window. It is easy to initiate a file transfer by dropping files and folders to Bopup Messenger window.
The ability to send files is configured and managed on the IM server so if the server's options restrict file transfers you will not be able to send files to other users and on messaging groups. |
Sending files and folders |
In the File Transfer dialog box click Browse... button to select files you want to send to selected recipients. You can simply drag-n-drop documents and folders to the transfer dialog box. Check the "Close this dialog box when the transfer will be completed" option to automatically close the transfer dialog box when the files will be delivered.
If your account type is having appropriate rights on the IM server then Advanced... button is available to you that opens the Set advanced options dialog box to set up transfer flags.
Set up transfer flags |
You can set up the following flags for the transfer:
- "Open folder after receiving" — Use this option to automatically open a folder with transferred files on a recipient computer when the transfer will be completed.
- "Open/execute received file (applies only to a single document)" — If this checkbox is used then the file will be automatically executed or opened by appropriate application on a recipient computer. Please note if you transfer multiple files and folders this option is ignored.
- "Automated mode" — Using this option will automatically initiate the transfer process in a recipient messenger with no options to accept or decline available to a recipient.
Send button to initiate the transfer.
You can also deliver files and documents to offline users if the IM server's options configured for this. The server asks you to save the data as offline when some or all from your recipients are currently not available on the IM network.
Depending on settings confugured on a central IM server users are also able to exchange files without showing separate file transfer dialogs. In that case data is sent and received directly from a conversation window by choosing or dropping files into the dialog. |