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IServerClientVB interface

The IServerClientVB interface implements all functionality used to establish connection to the IM server, send and receive instant messages, receive lists of contacts and assigned groups from the communication server, view and modify user's account information, etc. This interface is compatible with Automation and is designed primarily for Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) .NET programmers because it operates standard VB variables and Automation-compatible data types.

Library registration and accessing the IServerClientVB interface from VB projects

IServerClientVB interface is defined in the CSCLIENTLib workspace. You need to register the CSClient.dll and SecPrvdr.dll COM modules first and then add reference to Bopup Client Type Library in your project to get enums, structures and interfaces available and visible in source code. For more information on COM registration, please refer to Installation and using topic.

Once the modules have been properly registered in Windows system you can add a reference to IServerClientVB interface in order to access and use it's methods and workspace. Open your VB.NET project in Microsoft Visual Studio and go to "Project\Add Reference... " in the main menu. The expand COM on the left list and select Type Libraries. Scroll down displayed list of registred libraries in the system and check the box near Bopup Client Type Library item. Click OK button to add a reference to the selected library for your project.

In addition you have to make some changes in assembly information for your VB.Net project to operate with IServerClientVB interface with no issues and type mistmatch. To do this go to "Project\Properties... " in the main menu. Then click Application on the left and then Assembly Information... button. In the open dialog select the "Make assembly COM-Visible" checkbox. Then click OK to save changes.

At the last you need to add a reference to CSCLIENTlib workspace to all your VB source files that use the IServerClientVB interface, defined enumerations and structured. Add the following line in beginning of each file:


After this you will be able to use Bopup IM Client SDK library in your VB.Net project.


InitializeInitializes IServerClientVB class. Must be called prior other functions of the interface.
OpenSessionEstablishes session with the IM server.
UpdateSessionChanges/updates presence status of the established session.
CloseSessionCloses established session.
GetGroupsGets a list of assigned groups into internal buffer.
EnumGroupsRetrieves a list of received groups after successful GetGroups function call.
GetGroupContactsGets a list of users assigned to specific group.
EnumGroupContactsRetrieves a list of group users after successful GetGroupContacts function call.
GetAvailableContactsGets a list of contacts within Organizational Units available to current user.
EnumAvailableContactsRetrieves a list of received contacts and Organizational Units after successful GetAvailableContacts function call.
GetContactListGets a list of contacts saved by current user.
EnumContactListRetrieves a list of received contacts and Organizational Units after successful GetContactList function call.
SetContactListStores current user's Contact List.
CreateAccountCreates a new user account on the IM server.
ModifyAccountRetrieves current user account for modification.
SaveAccountChanges current user account information.
ViewAccountGets account information for specific user.
SetAccountPasswordSets a new password for current user.
SendMessageSends instant message to a user or group.
SendMultipleMessageSends instant message to several users and/or groups.
SendMessageTypingEventSends a message typing instant notification to a remote user.
GetAccountInformationRetrieves current user's first and last names within account flags.
GetAccountStatusRetrieves a presence status for specific user.
GetLicenseInformaionGets information about current software license on the IM server.
GetServerVersionRetrieves current version of the IM server.
GetSessionKeyRetrieves current estashlished session GUID.
GetEventDescriptionRetrieves extended information on given error code.
GetSDKVersionGets version of IM SDK.
TestConnectionChecks a given address of the IM server.